Reservations | Mariner Motel | Myrtle Beach Motel | Pet Friendly

Thank you for requesting a reservation using our online form.
'; if(!empty($_POST['arriv_date']) && !empty($_POST['depart_date'])) { echo 'We appear to have vacancies for the dates you requested.
'; } echo 'Your information has been sent and you will be contacted by a representative as soon as possible.

'; if($_POST['pets'] == "N") {$pets = "none";} else {$pets = "Yes \t Type: ".$_POST['pet_type']." \t Qty: ".$_POST['pet_qty']."";} $msg = "Date: \t ".date("M d, Y")."\n"; $msg .= "Name: \t ".$_POST['fname']." ".$_POST['lname']."\n"; $msg .= "Phone: \t ".$_POST['phone']."\n"; $msg .= "Email: \t ".$_POST['email']."\n"; $msg .= "Address: \t ".$_POST['address']."\n"; $msg .= "\t\t ".$_POST['city'].", ".$_POST['state']." ".$_POST['zip']."\n"; $msg .= "Dates: \t ".$_POST['arriv_date']." - ".$_POST['depart_date']."\n"; $msg .= "Number of Guests: \t ".$_POST['num_peeps']."\n\n"; $msg .= "Pets: \t ".$pets."\n\n"; $msg .= "Comments: \t ".stripslashes($_POST['comments'])."\n\n"; //$to = ""; // for testing purposes only $to = $siteemail; $subject = "Reservation Request from website"; $headers = "From: ".$_POST['email']."\n\n"; mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers); } else { ?>

You may use the short form below to request reservation dates.

The Following Errors Occurred:

'; } ?>
Fields marked with * are required.
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Phone:
* Email:
* Address:
* City:
* State / Zip: /
Arrival Date:
Departure Date:
* Number of Guests:
Are you bringing pets?    If 'Yes' to pets, answer below.
Type of pet(s):      How many pets?